• Groundcover refers to dense low herbaceous plants, usually between 5-20cm in height, that grow over an area of ground. There are many types of groundcovers, from grasses to vines, perennials or sedums. They are used to provide protection from erosion and drought, to fill in difficult spots where other plants are unable to grow or thrive, to prevent weeds from growing and to improve the aesthetic appearance of a place by concealing the bare earth.

  • A shrub is a small to medium-sized woody plant, it can be evergreen or deciduous. In our nursery, our shrubs are usually under 1-1.5m tall. Shrubs are often used as specimen plants, especially if they have showy flowers such as as hydrangeas. They are also planted to form privacy hedges or to create barriers against wild animals/intruders. There are many types of shrubs, some with very compact form and foliage, or others with long, loose and arching branches. The growth rate also differs depending on the variety so it is crucial to choose the right variety according to the environmental needs and pruning requirements.

  • These plants are very tolerant towards hot weather, specially dry and arid soils. Some of them actually thrive such difficult conditions and are the only varieties that will survive in such environment. In Japan, although there is a rainy season preceding the summer, summers are very hot and winters are dry. Plants introduced here have adapted to typical Japanese weather. (Note: they are not your average desert plants). They are recommended for places where the rain can't reach the soil- such as a spot with an overhang roof, soil with extremely good drainage - such as mounds or sandy/rocky terrain, and even city store fronts where the heat from the asphalt and nearby buildings reflects onto the plants. However, they do tolerate some rain and some humidity.

  • In botany, a tree is a perennial plant with an elongated stem or trunk, supporting branches and leaves. In a broader meaning it may include plants such as bamboos or bananas. In our nursery, we carry over 100 varieties of "trees", some which are evergreen, some which are deciduous in nature. As we specialize in garden trees, most of our inventory is within the 5m height range; however, we can also procure larger sizes or varieties which are not currently in stock. When choosing a tree, it is important to recognize not only its characteristics in regards to its leaves or flower color but also growth rate, and environmental requirements.